

Trending Toilet Talk on TikTok?

We are all guilty of scrolling through TikTok videos for easy entertainment. We may even be guilty of spending too much time there! And some of us are [...]

Striped vs. Plain – Which Toothpaste is Better?

It's important to pick the right toothpaste based on your needs. Certain kinds of toothpaste are specifically formulated for brightening, while others are designed for fragile teeth or [...]

The Intriguing History of Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening has been around since ancient times. Throughout history, people have used everything from baking soda to lemon juice to achieve a whiter grin. In fact, there [...]

Why Do Humans Have Shrinking Jaws?

"Two's company, three's a crowd." That sums up the problem with wisdom teeth, often called the third molars. In most cases, when these teeth come through the gum [...]

Tongue Tied and Kissing

A tongue tie is a condition that hinders the movement of the tongue. This happens when the lingual frenulum, the tissue that joins your tongue to the floor [...]

The Reality of Turkey Teeth

Have you heard of "Turkey teeth"? The popular cosmetic procedure, which involves filing down the teeth to pegs and replacing them with crowns or veneers for a Hollywood-worthy [...]

The Truth About Vaping

Vaping could result in more regular trips to the dentist, according to new research from Tufts University. Research from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine concluded that people [...]

New Year, New Smile!

Happy new year! Are you making your goals for 2023? We are! We aim to offer our patients the highest-quality, most comprehensive dental treatment available. Furthermore, we vow [...]

Is Florida the Fountain of Youth?

During his twilight years, American author Mark Twain said that "life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of 80 and gradually [...]

Feelings About Fillings

The biggest threat to your oral hygiene is tooth decay. In fact, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, at least 92 percent of adults have experienced [...]