

5 Ideal Dental Tools to care for your Teeth after 50

Miami and Coral Gables, FL Our teeth seem to take a toll throughout the aging process. Teeth become dingy, stained, and are susceptible to damage and decay the [...]

Why do people Avoid going to the Dentist

Miami and Coral Gables, FL People like to make jokes about going to the dentist or being scared about going to the dentist, but in reality, there is [...]

5 Tips to keep your Smile Healthy this Christmas

Miami and Coral Gables, FL Tis the season for holiday parties and gatherings. While these parties mean good times with friends or family, it also usually means lots [...]

How you Breathe Affects your Memory, New Study Says

Miami and Coral Gables, FL Your Miami family dentists at Miami Designer Smiles have been educating patients for years now on how mouth breathing may influence your health. [...]

Use your Dental Benefits before they Expire

Miami and Coral Gables, FL At the end of the year, most of us are thinking about others. They have gifts to buy and family to visit during [...]

Halloween Candy Best to Worst

Miami and Coral Gables, FL Many parents are well aware of the effects of their child eating too much sugar. It's no surprise that sugar leads to tooth [...]

I’ve Worn Dentures for Years, Can I still get Dental Implants?

Miami and Coral Gables, FL One of the downsides to dentures is that they do not prevent bone loss. In time, denture wearers will experience bone loss in [...]

Get a Natural Looking Smile with All on 4 Implant System

Miami and Coral Gables, FL If you are on your way to having all of your teeth extracted, or are currently a denture wearer, you may assume that [...]

Are Dental Implants Worth the Cost

Miami and Coral Gables, FL Are you living with lost teeth? If so, consider a dental implant in Miami, the finest tooth replacement option currently available. Not only [...]

Why you Should Stop Putting off Treatment for your Gum Disease

Miami and Coral Gables, FL Even when you take seemingly good care of your teeth, and visit your dentist regularly, gum disease can still occur. Gum disease is [...]