

Smiles Reveal More Than Just Teeth

Your smile is one of the most important features of your face. When it looks good, people notice you immediately. However, many people don’t realize just how much [...]

Be Aware – Dehydration Has Consequences

If you've ever been excessively thirsty after an intense workout or being super sweaty on a hot day, you're likely dehydrated. Dehydration occurs when you aren't drinking enough [...]

What’s the Connection? Oral and Overall Health

You probably know that practicing oral hygiene plays a big part in your oral health, but did you know that taking care of your mouth, teeth and gums [...]

Snoring Ruining Everyone’s Sleep?

Undoubtedly, the most telltale sign of sleep apnea is snoring. But does everyone who snores have sleep apnea? The answer to this question is no - with a [...]

Grin and ‘Bare’ It?

Can your gums be too ... prominent? Yes, as a matter of fact, they can. A gummy smile is one that shows too much of your gum line, [...]

When to Speak Up About a Speech Delay

Speech delays in children are not at all uncommon; 20 percent of kids will experience a delay in speech or language, according to healthychildren.org. While, in some cases, [...]

Chew on This- Does Chewing Gum Affect TMJ Disorder?

If you have  temporomandibular joint disorder, or TMD, you may already know your triggers or what can make your condition worse, such as teeth grinding or chewing on [...]

The Difference of Dysport

Are you noticing wrinkles and lines on your face when you look in the mirror? If so, you may be considering getting Botox injections to get rid of [...]

A Bruxism Band-Aid for a Bigger Problem

Do you clench and grind your teeth at night? You may do it and not even realize it — likely because you're asleep. You're also not alone: Many [...]

Can Dental Implants Be Whitened?

Dental implants are a popular replacement tooth option in the United States, and for good reason. They're strong, durable, and they look, feel and function just like natural [...]